Come with me!

We will teach you to live and feed yourself in a way conscious, healthy and sustainable so you can enjoy a life without restrictions and not tied to a diet for life. I will provide you with coaching tools from the spiritual vision so that you can apply them in your day to day, achieve what you propose from a state of peace so that the physical and mental change is an effect of a new look and way of thinking.



Learn to eat in a way conscious, healthy and sustainable

Libre de Dietas


A comprehensive transformation program in which you reprogram your mind, your body and your soul.

¡Hola, I'm Pilar Cuesta!

I'm Pilar Cuesta, dietician, NLP expert and coach (Neuro-Linguistic Programming)

Like you, I have done a thousand diets. I couldn't tell you when I did the first one diet, but I do remember how since I was little I felt like living in a continuous restriction and not enjoying food like other girls did, I was always invaded by the feeling of prohibition or guilt.

My training in coaching and nutrition allow me to create plans 100% personalized and adapted to the needs and starting point of each person.
The bases of my method are self-care, self-esteem and unrestricted eating.

Libre de Dietas

Know how to feed yourself, manage your stress, manage your emotions and also how to do the calculations to adapt your nutritional needs to give your body everything it needs.