
I'm Pilar Cuesta, dietician, NLP expert and coach (Neuro-Linguistic Programming)

Like you, I have done a thousand diets. I couldn't tell you when I did the first onediet, but I do remember how since I was little I felt like living in a continuousrestriction and not enjoying food like other girls did, siempre me invadía el sentimiento de prohibición o de culpa.

My training in coaching and nutrition allow me to create plans 100% personalized and adapted to the needs and starting point of each person.
The bases of my method are self-care, self-esteem and unrestricted eating.

Libre de dietas

Know how to feed yourself, manage your stress, gestionar tu tiempo y además cómo hacer los cálculos para adecuar tus necesidades nutricionales para darle a tu cuerpo todo lo que necesita.

I want it now